Waste and Recycling

Recycing bins on the Appian Way, near Rome

On the Appian Way, near Rome (photo by Cornelia Herzfeld)


Why Do We Recycle? Markets, Values, and Public Policy
Frank Ackerman. Island Press (1997).


Mixed Signals: Market Incentives, Recycling, and the Price Spike of 1995
Frank Ackerman and Kevin Gallagher. Resources, Conservation and Recycling (2005).

Material Flows for a Sustainable City
Frank Ackerman. International Review for Environmental Strategies (2005).

Review of The Economics of Waste, by Richard C. Porter
Frank Ackerman. Ecological Economics (2002).

Waste in the Inner City: Asset or Assault?
Frank Ackerman and Sumreen Mirza. Local Environment (2001).

Waste Management and Climate Change
Frank Ackerman. Local Environment (2000).

An Environmental Ritual for our Times
Frank Ackerman. Tikkun (1996)

Bottle Bills and Curbside Recycling Collection
Frank Ackerman and Todd Schatzki. Resource Recycling (1991)

Economies of Scale in Landfill Costs
Frank Ackerman and Monica Becker. Journal of Resource Management and Technology  (1990).


Many reports at Tellus Institute, 1988-1995; most are not available on-line. Two of the most important – the Tellus Packaging Study (1992), a lifecycle analysis of major packaging materials, and a study of the economics of bottle bills (deposit legislation) for US EPA (1995), are described in Chapters 5 and 7 of Why Do We Recycle?